Senior Open



Dedicated parking spaces for Blue Badge holders will be available adjacent to Car Park 2.  You are requested to follow the yellow AA event signage which will direct.  Your Blue Badge must be clearly displayed at all times.



Personal Assistants

If you need a personal assistant to attend the event with you, the Legends Tour offers a complimentary carer ticket to customers with disability who have purchased a ticket.  To request a carers ticket please contact the call centre on:  +44 (0)1344 840550 or by emailing: [email protected]

Proof of eligibility is required.


Wheelchairs and other motorised chairs are allowed on the tournament grounds however we encourage you to use Event Mobility should you require them.


Event Mobility

Event Mobility will be in operation at the event from Wednesday 26th – Sunday 30th July inclusive.  They will be located in the Blue Badge car park at the entrance to the Spectator Village.  They will be providing electric scooters (£30) and manual wheelchairs (£10) which should be pre-booked via the following link:

If you have any questions regarding their service, please contact them on:  +44 (0)1386 725391 or by email:  [email protected]


Please note:  golf carts and other motorised vehicles are not permitted during the tournament week