Irish Open

Reducing the environmental impact

At the Horizon Irish Open, we are committed to creating a sustainable event. To help reduce our environmental impact we are:  


  • Providing multiple recycling points. 
  • Committed to ensuring Zero Waste to Landfill. 
  • Ensuring all water provided to players is in 100% recyclable bottles. 
  • Our recycled cooking oil can be transformed into biodiesel, a clean-burning fuel used to power vehicles and heat homes. 
  • Ensuring all oil from our on-course catering outlets is recycled and ends up as electricity. 
  • Ensuring all public catering outlets serving food in compostable packaging. 
  • Ensuring our generators on-site are run on HVO Bio-fuel. 
  • Ensuring all our branding is made from recyclable and sustainable materials. 
  • Providing improved transport links from City Centre, reducing the number of cars on the road. 
  • Providing free water refill points for the pubic at multiple points across the site, reducing the need to purchase water in plastic bottles. 


‘Thank you for supporting our Green Drive initiatives’